Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Canada and beyond....

Our trip to Canada was a success!! Ashlyn did amazing in the car. She napped well and we stopped every couple of hours to let her run around (and for Mom and I to pee!) It was a LONG drive. We left at 5am on Thursday morning and drove into Steve and Patsy's driveway at 6pm Friday night. We stayed one night in Williams Lake and it was so smokey because of a forest fire in the area. A relatively uneventful drive until Ashlyn had a blowout in the car. There's something about the carseat that makes a holy mess. We stopped in Prince George at a gas station and I jumped out fast because I really had to go so Jered changed her in the backseat. When I came back out to the car he'd used a handful of wipes and was struggling to get her clothes off without getting any poop on her or more on himself. It took both of us to get her clothes off and finish cleaning her up. Ugh!!! It was so gross! I wanted to throw the outfit away but my mom wouldn't let me. She rinsed it in the gas station bathroom, put it in a plastic bag and washed it when we got to Steve and Patsy's.
We fished on the river, we went out on the boat and fished, we went to hotsprings, we swam in the lake, we caught crab and a few fish and ate a lot of seafood. Yumm! I caught the first and only salmon of the trip and boy was he delicious. We ate him that same night for dinner and he might've been the best salmon I've ever eaten! It was so great to see Steve and Patsy and have Ashlyn spend time with her grandparents. She had a really great time too. Two days in a row both Jered and I were gone fishing and she really missed us. Then the third day I stayed home to hang with Mom and Patsy while the guys all went out fishing again. The fourth day we all went out in the boat "family day" for more fishing and we saw whales! and went to another hotsprings and swimming in the ocean. The ocean was so COLD and the hotsprings felt so good! It was a great end to a too short week. Ashlyn loved the boat, she did amazing on the boat! She liked looking out the window when we were going fast and she really had fun at the hotsprings. She checked out every nook and cranny and even helped Jered with his fishing pole. She was so good she even took a nap on the boat!

Before we knew it it was time to turn around and drive back. Another two days driving to get home. We stayed Friday night at our house then were up going again Saturday morning to make it to Monroe for a 40th wedding anniversary for Aunt Jean and Uncle Hugh. 40 years is amazing, I hope Jered and I get there too! Saturday night we went to the Scandinavian Festival with a bunch of my cousins and then I went back again with my mom on Sunday. Ate way too much food but it was all so good! Sunday night was another cousin's wedding. The wedding was so nice, it was at the same place Jered and I got married! I loved seeing it again, such a beautiful place to get married, it brought back all the memories of our wedding and how much fun we had. I wish I could do it all over again!

Monday was Jered's first day at his new JOB!!! Yay! Our checkbook is as excited as we are! He was off for 3 long months. It felt longer to me and him too probably. He did work part time for the last month for a guy out of Beaverton but he just recently got paid for that so it didn't seem like he was working. And not qualifying for unemployment either really put a drain on the ol' savings account. The check was in the mail when we got home from Canada thank goodness! I teased him that the Beaverton job was his dream job, it was anything but! So if you hear us talking about his dream job you'll know its a big joke. He feels good about this new job and is hoping its going to be a positive step in his career. I'll miss my house hubby though, the house was so clean, the laundry always done and the yard was looking fantastic before he went back to work.

This Friday is our 5th anniversary! Yay for us! We don't have too much planned, we both have to work and Jered said he's going to make me dinner :) Lucky me, I usually do the cooking so it'll be nice to have a night off.

I'll try to post pictures of our trip soon!

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