Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 22, 2009

10 months old!!

Ashlyn is 10 months old today, WOW!!! In those first few weeks after she was born we couldn't even imagine what 10 months down the road would be like. Its better than you think it will be. She's so much fun these days! She is getting more independent all the time, doesn't like to be cuddled all the time unless she's tired or just woke up. She is curious about everything! You can see her just absorbing everything around her. If she hears a noise or new voice she wants to know what it and where its coming from and she's likely to investigate. She still thinks her sisters are the coolest. She pulls herself up on anything and everything. She's starting to shuffle sideways a little bit when she's holding onto the coffee table or couch. She's learned how to go from standing to sitting without falling on her butt, most of the time. She gets mad when she doesn't get her way :) She knows how to work her parents, she's definently got us twisted around her little finger. She smiles at anyone and everyone. She's learned how to get people to talk to her and she loves to talk! We had parent-teach conference last week at Ashlyn's daycare. I thought it was sorta funny at first that they would do conference so young but it turned out to be pretty informative. Ashlyn already has a couple of favorite kids in her class that she plays with really well, Gemma and Sullivan. She still comes to lunch with me everyday. I really look forward to that hour in the middle of my day that we get to spend together. When I drop her off in the mornings she couldn't care less that I'm leaving, when I take her back after lunch she usually cries a little when I leave. Her teacher's assure me that it only lasts until the door shuts behind me! :o) She is happy and developmentally on track and her daycare is part of that so that makes us happy.

We had fun last weekend when we went out to Edgefield with friends. We were both pretty tired and only made it till 11pm but we had a lot of fun. Going out with adults without kids is a necessary part of life. Reminds us that we are important too and gives us something to talk about besides Ashlyn. Most of our day/night is so focused on Ashlyn....when she eats, when she sleeps, when she poops, it was nice to get away and leave all that to my mom for the night.

Last week was a long week. I worked two extra shifts and it was so nice to just be able to stay home this weekend and relax. We don't stay home very often. Yesterday we did yard work outside, got the backyard all cleaned up and ready for the winter. We didn't do a lot this summer and the yard reflects the lack of attention. So this weekend has been all about cleaning up and getting ready for winter. We did take a break yesterday afternoon to pick up our wine shipment at the winery that we are club members at. Since that also includes free tastings anytime of course we had to do a little tasting! :)

Today Ashlyn is going to stay home with her daddy while her Mama goes out to Indian food and to see New Moon with her girlfriends.

These are pictures of pictures so they may be a little grainy. Ashlyn had school pictures that we got suckered into buying. $45 for 4 sheets, not cheap. Also one in her Halloween outfit. I'm glad we got those done since we missed Halloween.

This one is my favorite and the reason I ended up buying!

She smiled in every single picture, made it really hard not to buy.

Sitting in a chair like a big girl

Isn't she the cutest bumblebee you've ever seen?

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