Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


We were so excited for Halloween this year. Ashlyn had her costume all ready, she was going to be a BumbleBee and she looked so darn adorable in it. Lucky for us we had taken her the week before to get her pictures done in her costume at Penny's because both Jered and I got sick that weekend. On Friday at I got some deli roast beef and a couple slices of cheddar from the sandwhich bar at work and about 15 minutes after eating it I started to get SO nauseous and clammy. This went on for a couple of hours before I finally threw up (at work, ugh!). I figured I had food poisoning because I felt so much after I threw up. I still went home early (good excuse) and on the drive I started feeling crappy again. By the time I got home I threw up again and went straight to bed and slept for 16 hours. I was up a few more time to be sick and felt really terrible all night and the next day. But by Sunday morning I was feeling a ton better. Too bad for Jered he woke up Sat feeling pretty crummy and pukey. Both of us were sick all weekend, luckily Ashlyn was fine. She was her happy self all weekend, even if she did miss her first Halloween. Bummer! We had one set of trick or treaters, they rang the bell and knocked multiple times so we finally opened the door. All we had was some mints and dove chocolates. Pretty lame! Jered made a sign to put in the driveway that said were sick and not taking trick or treaters. It was a pretty tiring week after being sick all weekend. Plus I'm working an extra shift a week right now to help out until we get our new hires on board. 16 hours is a really long day!

Last weekend we went down to Monroe. I went to a baby shower for my best friend Rachel on Sat. She's having a little girl and she's due Jan 24. Ashlyn's bday is Jan 22, so maybe they'll have the same bday :) It was a lot of fun and she is just too darn cute! I'll post a pic later. That evening we went to a 50th bday party for my cousin Sheryl at El Presidente in Corvallis. Yum-my! They have such good food and even better margs. I indulged in both :) After that we hung out for a few hours with my other cousins at Traci's house. We had fun, drank a few beers and had some good laughs! Sat was super busy, obviously! After breakfast at Mom's and a visit from some other cousins and my aunt and uncle we drove home. Whew!! Thank goodness Ashlyn is such a trooper. That kid can sleep anywhere! She slept through most of the shower and the bday dinner!

This week is another busy one. I'm working a 16 tonight and I have meetings on Thurs and Fri which means I have to be here at 7am both those days. I guess that's good practice for me though because they are trying to move our start time to 7am so then I'd work 7am-530pm. Getting home a half hour earlier doesn't seem like much but it will be awesome for us! Sometimes I don't get home till 645p or even 7pm. By the time we feed Ashlyn and she gets her bath its time for her to go to bed. Our nights just go by way too fast and it'll be awesome to get that extra half hour with Ashlyn in the evenings.

Ashlyn has changed so much in the last few weeks! She is super crawler baby these days. Turn your back for a second and she is across the room. She is loving her johnny jumper and her walker. She can really get going in the jumper but her legs still aren't quite long enough to get the walker moving. She can make it go backwards though. She pulls herself up to stand every chance she gets. She falls on her butt a lot but she's learning. She eats pretty much anything we give her, but new foods take her a while. She's got to see it and check it out a few times before she'll eat it herself. If we spoon feed it to her she'll eat. She loves yogurt! She loves her rice crackers and crunchies. She likes chicken and turkey dinners but still isn't too in love with beef dinners. We're still giving her a lot of jarred foods but she does get veggies and fruits that she feeds herself. I think the carrots and mandarin oranges are her favorite. She's not a huge fan of anything peach, but neither am I. She loves mashed potatoes and gravy but can't figure out how to hold onto her banana, it just slips right out of her hand. She's getting very good at feeding the dogs and letting them lick her hands or her food. They know when she's in the high chair they'll probably get a treat. She thinks the dogs are the greatest thing ever. Sinder lets her crawl all over her and poke and pull at her. Tori usually moves out of the way when she sees her coming :o) She loves it when Jered holds her on his lap and plays fetch with the dogs. She belly laughs when she sees them running after that ball, its so cute! I'll have pics to post soon, I'm at work waiting for a patient to get here.

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