Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brrr its cold outside.....

Its so cold!!! 18 degrees this morning is just a little too chilly for me. I wish it were snowing, at least then it'd be warmer. Ashlyn and I have been getting all bundled up to go to work everyday. We got her a pretty cute stocking hat. Had to buy toddler size cause the baby sizes were too small for her big 90th percentile head.

I know its been a while since I've posted and I know people want to see pictures too. Well first I had been working so much there for a while that on my day off all I did was clean house, laundry and errands since I wasn't getting any of that good stuff during the week. Last Tues was my last OT shift for a while. I am working on the 27th and half day on the 31st but I'm off the 1st so those barely count. Then a couple of weeks ago I picked up a virus on our computer that has Jered's IT dept at work totally stumped. ALL of Ashlyn's pictures since she was born are on that computer. Jered is doing his best to save at least the pictures. The ones of Ashlyn are the only ones I really care about. And no we didn't have them back up onto anything. Stupid, I know!

We had a really great Thanksgiving. I worked a 12 hour shift, got off at 11am, came home to shower and we left for Glady & Floyd's. It was a nice relaxing day. Ashlyn loved all the food. She ate everything on the table except the stuffing but Grandma had made us gluten free bread so we didn't feel left out. Everything was delicious!

My dad came up to visit us on that Sat and stayed for a while. It was good to see him and my stepmom. Dad is out of town a lot for his job so we miss him sometimes when we go down. Ashlyn was crankier than usual and it took her a little while to warm up. but they got to see her show off a little. Sunday Jered put up all of the outside Christmas lights while Ashlyn and I decorated the inside. We're planning to get our tree Thurs afternoon. So far she's doing pretty good with the decorations. She recognizes the tone of voice and the word NO. I'm sure she'll hear it a lot more too :)

Last weekend we went down to Monroe again. My niece Bailey was 10 years old on Dec 1st. so my brother had a birthday party for her on Sat afternoon. They do a lot of parties at Papa's pizza in Corvallis and lucky for me and Ashlyn they now have gluten free pizza. It was Ashlyn's first time having pizza and she loved it!

Ashlyn is loving any and all food! As long as its real food. She's bored with the jarred stuff and we try not give it to her anymore. She's ate up pretty much all we had left anyway. She especially likes to feed herself. I make gluten free pancakes to take to Wee Care with her and she eats anything on the menu as long as its not gluten. She loves it all. If we put it on her tray and leave it there long enough she'll eventually try it. Last night she had some pork ribs we did in the crockpot, mashed potatoes and green beans. If you're eating in front of her she expects you to share. She still joins me and my co-workers for lunch and she stares at them when they're eating hoping they'll share. Unfortunately they're rarely able to share. Belinda did share her spaghetti squash the other day and she loved it. Hopefully she'll love sushi just as much as Mama and Daddy!

Ashlyn is becoming more independent every day. She is pulling herself to stand any chance she gets. She opens all drawers, doors, cabinets that she can find. She pulls things out of places you were sure she wouldn't be able to get into. Tonight while I was cleaning the kitchen she had a blast pulling all of the jars and containers out of the refill box (goodies we get from Grandma Glady that need refills). She's been mastering the stairs at Wee Care for the last week or so. She's been able to crawl up them and stop at the top but then she couldn't figure out how to get to down. Today she finally figured out how to crawl down! Our little munchkin is growing up. I'm afraid she'll be walking soon, before her parents are ready for sure.

We're getting ready for Christmas. Both Jered and I are off Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We'll be spending Christmas Eve at Glady and Floyd's and Christmas day at Aunt Jean's in Monroe. Hopefully we'll get to see my two nieces at some point too. I think it's their Mom's weekend. They love their little cousin but its hard for them to understand she doesn't want to be held all the time anymore.

I'll post new pictures as soon as Jered figures out the virus.

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