Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We got our tree on Thursday night. Jered cut it down for us and Ashlyn had fun walking through all the trees but boy was it cold! Her little cheeks were so pink. We had her all bundled up in her snow suit Uncle Justin & Aunt Steph got for her. We decorated the tree yesterday morning and it looks awesome! We put up all of our ornaments that we've collected through the years. Jered's Grandma has given him an ornament every year since he was born and we have a lot of those too. Grandma & Grandpa McGrath gave Ashlyn her first ornament and we put that up this morning too.

Jered and I were able to go out for a date on Friday night. We had so much fun! Our friends babysat Ashlyn so that we could go out with my cousins. We saw Bob Saget and he was so funny! After the show we stopped off at the Yamhill Pub, total dive bar, but cheap drinks! We were home by midnight, thats a pretty late night for us these days. Ashlyn slept in till almost 930am! Of course we were up by 8am. Sleeping those couple extra hours was so refreshing. I feel so rested this weekend.

Last night we went down to Grandma & Grandpa Lenhardts. Jered's sis was here with her new husband. We hadn't seen them since the wedding. Ashlyn was a little crabbier than normal, she's teething again. Ugh, teething! She loved the dinner Grandma made: roast beef, green beans and mashed potatoes and gravy. She got peaches for dessert. She ate almost everything.

We're almost ready for Christmas, good thing too since its right around the corner. We only a few more gifts to buy. I'm looking forward to being off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It so nice this year being on Friday. We'll get a really long weekend. Not sure about our plans for New Years yet. Both Jered and I are only working half days. Two long weekends in a row!

Ashlyn's first birthday is approaching fast! We're still talking and debating exactly what we're going to do for a party. I've applied for a volunteer position on the Citizens Review Board of Washington County. Its a review board thats reviews foster care cases and gives recommendations as to what the next steps should be for the kids and/or the parents and/or guardians/foster parents/adoptive parents. My cousin Angela recommended me and I hope it all works out. It would only be one day a month but its going to take some finagaling with my schedule. Work schedule, babysitting options, etc. I had an interview last Thursday with the man that does the hiring. I have to go through a two day training class and he thinks it may be Jan 21 and 22. Ashlyn's bday weekend. He's not sure yet so I'm waiting to hear back from him before I schedule her party. Its an interesting oppurtunity for me. I have huge reservations about whether or not I'll be able to handle. Ang told me its heartbreaking and rewarding all at the same time. I'm excited though too so I hope it all works out.

These are from Thanksgiving and after:

Pretty sure all the parenting books could use this picture of how NOT to let your baby sleep! She loves that pink bear blankie. Its silkie on one side and she likes to rub it on her face to go to sleep. And she mostly sleeps on her side or belly these days.
Playing with my toys at Grandma Glaydy's on Thanksgiving.
Mmmmm, pumpkin pie with whip cream, Yummy!

Talking with Grandma

Giving Grammy hugs!

Supporting the winning team :)

Picking out our tree

Our finished tree. Mama put these collars on the dogs. They have bells on them, the dogs hated them but I thought they were pretty cool!

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