Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is almost here....

I can not believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow!! We are not quite ready yet. Just a few small gifts left to buy. We're both off tomorrow and looking forward to sleeping in and then will head down to Woodburn for the festivities at Grandma and Grandpa Lenhardt's. I can't wait to see Ashlyn open gifts, she is going to have so much fun tearing paper! We're spending Christmas Day with my family at my Aunt Jean's. For me, it's not Christmas unless I'm at Aunt Jean's for dinner and the gift exchange. Ashlyn participated in the kids gift exchange so she'll have one gift there as well. We won't be opening gifts with my two nieces until New Year's weekend at our house. My brother only gets the girls for a few hours on Christmas Day and we just won't have time.

We went to a Christmas party last Sat at our friend's Gary and Dawn house. We had a lot of fun, I drank one glass too many of red wine because I was feeling a little hung over Sun morning. Ashlyn was a little party animal and wouldn't go to sleep. She was up till after 11pm. Gary and Dawn' daughter Cammy finally got her to go down. She was wore out from playing. She was definently a hit, everyone thought she was pretty cute.

I did a little shopping Sat and Sun morning. I braved Costco, Winco, Target and the Mall. Ugh, I hate the mall! I went to two stores, I got in and I got out as quick as I could :) We got Ashlyn something really cool for her present. Lots of bells and whistles as Jered says. She's going to have a blast with all her Christmas gifts I'm sure. Playing in the paper will probably be the most fun!

WeeCare helped Ashlyn make Jered and I a gift. Its a wreath with her picture in the middle and it is so darn cute! They used a white paper plate, then did her hand print in green construction paper all around the plate with a red bow at the top. Then a picture of her in a Santa hat in the middle. So cute! I'll try to take a picture of it and post it soon.

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope I get to see most of you!

Here's a few pics from the party that Gary took:

Cameron had the magic touch and was finally able to get Ashlyn to go to sleep at 11pm!! I don't think she's ever been up that late, since she started sleeping through the night.

Ashlyn loved pushing the ottoman around

Fun fun fun all night long!

Playing with Cammy's bear

With Daddy, he let her have his cell phone and she felt pretty cool!

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