Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 28, 2009


We had a great but busy Christmas. We spent Christmas in Woodburn. Ashlyn stayed awake pretty much the whole time. She finally fell asleep in church around 11pm. We had a great dinner, opened some presents and then church. By the time we got home, we wer tired! I don't usually stay up that late.

Friday morning Ashlyn opened the present we got for her. She wasn't too into the paper like I thought she would be. She tore a small piece off and wanted to eat it. She wasn't interested in tearing it all off like we'd hoped. Next year! Then we drove down to my Aunt Jean's house for dinner and the kids got to open one present. My brother was able to have the girls for a few hours on Christmas and it was great to see them both.

Mom and I went shopping the day after Christmas and it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. We went to the Hallmark store and then to Target. Target was pretty busy and by the time I was able to get Mom out of there, I was more than ready to leave!

Both Friday and Saturday nights we spent at my cousin Melody's house. We drank a few too many beers both nights but had a lot of fun playing games and being together. My cousin Cindy was here from Wisconsin and it was just like old times when they all lived in Seattle and would come down to my mom's house for the weekends.

We hit the road after breakfast on Sunday since I had to work the evening shift. It was so busy, ugh!! I'm not going to go into politics, but seriously 90% of the patient we see through the ER are uninsured. They come through the ER for things they should be seeing their doctor for but they don't have a doctor because they're uninsured. Which is why my co-pay for an ER visit is $150. Believe me, I'd have to be on death's door before I went to the ER and paid $150 co-pay. Only one of the 12 patients I scanned last night through the ER should've been in the ER. Oh well, I guess it is what I get paid for. That just meant the two movies I brought with me stayed in my purse all night long ;o)

I'll have pictures and maybe even some video for ya later in the week. Happy New Year!!

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