Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well the first week of the New Year is behind us and boy am I tired! I've been sick all week, I caught Ashlyn's daycare crud. Luckily Ashlyn is feeling much better than she was the weekend of Christmas. Right now Jered is pushing her around on the little car that my dad and stepmom got for her and she's loving it! She's loving all her new Christmas toys and plays with them all every night.

My mom and Eddie came up on Friday, New Years Day and we all watched the Rose Bowl. Unfortunately the Ducks didn't win, but Ashlyn wore her cheerleader outfit anyway. We had Christmas with my brother and nieces on Sunday. My mom did pretty good and didn't go too overboard. She did get Ashlyn quite a few new outfits though. We had a good fun, long weekend with everyone.

Then it was back to the real world and work on Monday. Ugh, its been a busy week for me at work and I've been sick so that doesn't help. I'm off tomorrow and so glad. Hopefully if Ashlyn lets me, I'm going to sleep in. Yay!

Ashlyn is doing so great. She has been changing so much lately. She really has a memory now. She remembers where things are and will go straight there to that particular drawer in the kitchen to pull all of the tupperware out. I pick up the tupperware at least 5 or 6 times a night. She'll also crawl into our bathroom and have my tampons emptied out of the box before we can catch her. She loves the tampons! She knows how certain toys work too and it doesn't take her long to figure it out. Our friends gave her this music box and she knows which button to push to play a whole song (which is her favorite, cause she loves to dance) and which ones will just play a note. She sleeps with her glow-warm that her Great-Grandma gave her. She squeezes it so it glows and plays a little song. She's talking up a storm too. She says Hi! over and over and over again. She still calls out Dadadadada and Mamamama all the time. Sometimes she throws out Da-dy just to mix it up. She's definently a daddy's girl already! She'll copy anything you say to her, well almost. We've been working on "I love you" and we've heard I and something that almost sounded like Love. She's shuffling along the coffee table and anything else she can hold onto to stand. She uses her new car that she can push and walk behind too. She loves music and will do her little shimmy and shake dance whenever she hears any. She doesn't seem to be too particular about any genre quite yet. She's still hanging out with me and my co-workers on lunches at work. She stares them down until they share their fries with her or anything that she can eat. Sometimes if I remember I throw a couple gluten free crackers in my bag before I leave for work. Usually I forget, but no worries she's not missing any meals and certainly doesn't look like it either!

I have tons of pictures to go through and post, I'll try to get to those this weekend. Everyone have a great weekend!!

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