Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Party Time!!

Whew! We are beat!! Two parties and overnighters! We had Kari's baby shower and Ashlyn's birthday, plus Mom, Eddie and Macy and Bailey over night.

We had Ashlyn's birthday party today. Her cousins were here, her Grandparents, great-grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and lots of friends. It was a little overwhelming for her to have that many people in her house. She wasn't too sure about the cake either. We definently did not get that Kodak moment, with the face in the cake. Oh well! Next year. She got lots of new clothes, toys and $25 in a new piggy bank for her college fund from Grandma and Grandpa Lenhardt. We missed having Jered's parents and my Dad and stepmom here. Steve and Patsy are in Canada and my Dad is in Arizona for work. Bummer! But we'll be seeing the Canadians soon. Aunt Kari is due with cousin Grace in March :)

Saturday Glady and I did Kari's babyshower in Woodburn. I think it all turned out great. She got a lot of good stuff. Cute, cute clothes and a few things off her registry too. Glady made up homemade cream puffs that we stuffed with sandwich spread, yummy!! Lots of yummy desserts too.

We had Ashlyn's 1 year appointment with her pediatrician last Wed. We got the go ahead to give her all gluten. Little scary for me but I'm going with it. We're also switching her over to whole milk. So far we've been mixing about half and half. Its going pretty good so far, she doesn't seem to mind it and has been drinking them like there was no change.

I ran into my good friend Brian at Safeway Sat. night. Brian and I were roommates when we first moved to LA on our extern from OIT. I hadn't seen him in a few years and it was totally out of the blue. I knew he and his wife had recently moved here but didn't realize they lived right around the corner from Jered and I! We talked for a few minutes and decided we'd definently have to get together for dinner soon to catch up. They just added to their family with the new addition of baby Isaiah, so it will most likely be after they get settled in.

Its back to work tomorrow. Neither Jered or I are looking forward to starting a new week. The weekend goes to fast! My day off this month is Tues, which is not my favorite. I prefer Wednesdays. But I am happy to only have to work 4 days a week! Next month is Mondays and I'm planning to go down and see my best friend and her new baby, Kenzee.

Ashlyn still isn't walking and that is prefectly ok with Jered and I. We are not in any rush for that milestone to happen. Turning 1 was hard enough! She is still talking (babbling) up a storm, crawling all over the place, getting into everything. She doesn't like to hear the word NO, but she hears it quite a bit anyway and definently know what it means. She is becoming a pickier eater, our pediatrician warned us this would happen. Yesterday morning, she ate all her scrambled egg. This morning she hardly touched it. We just keep putting stuff on her plate. She either eats it or she doesn't. The doctor says she'll eat if she's hungry, I'm guessing she's right!

Birthday party pics coming soon :)

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