Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Pictures....finally!!!

I know! I know! It took me long enough :) but here we are....tons of pictures from Christmas!

This is New Year's Day. My Grandpa got me this outfit. Too bad I wasn't better luck for those Ducks!
What's this???
It's mine?? Yay!!!!
This might be fun......
but this is more fun....I love to eat everything!

This is my new train that Mama and Daddy got me. Its fun!!
My friends Kassidy and Hailey got me this music box. I love to play all the songs!
This is my walker/car my Grandpa and Grandma got me. I can do whole laps of the house these days.
This was our first looked real pretty but it wasn't very fun to drive home in. It took me and Mama 2 hours to drive home and that was after we waited 2 hours before we left work.
This was my Christmas picture and dress.

1 comment:

  1. She is sooo cute and adorable.. but then you know that too.. I can't wait to see her and Grace play together.. how fun..we'll see you three soon.
