Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan 22, 2010.....

For Ashlyn's birthday we took her out to sushi....she didn't eat much but her parents sure enjoyed it. :o) We went down to NW 23rd to our favorite place, Yuki. Too bad the gelato place across the street is remodeling because it was closed. After that we came home and Jered gave her a bath. Bath time is her favorite time of day! She gets so excited, as soon as she hears the water running, she crawls as fast as she can down the hallway.

Saturday night my mom and Eddie came to stay with Ashlyn so that Jered and I could go to his company party. We had way more fun than we expected. The night just flew by and before we knew it was 1230am and time to go home.

Sunday afternoon we headed down to Grandma and Grandpa's. We spent the whole afternoon and stayed for dinner too. We hadn't seen them since Christmas so it was nice to be there for a good visit and to watch the football game! Ashlyn had a lot of fun sitting at the little tea party table. She sat there like a big girl for a good 45 minutes eating her cereal. Then she kept crawling back in there. She loved it!

The week is already half over, I can't believe how time flies. We saw Ashlyn's pediatrician today and got the go ahead to switch to whole milk and gluten. The gluten part really worries me but she assures me that most babies don't have any reaction at all. They don't usually see a reaction in kids until they're 4 or 5 years old. I just know how I feel after and I really don't want her to have to go through that. She had her first milk bottle this afternoon after her nap. I mixed half formula and half milk. It didn't seem to bother her at all, she drank it all! She also got her MMR shot today and her second H1N1 as well. She's been pretty clingy and a little cranky this afternoon and evening. I can tell her leg is sore too. She doesn't want to be touched where they gave the injection.

Her birthday bash is this Sunday :o) and she'll be eating cake!! She's never had cake or any dessert except the pumpkin pie she had at Thanksgiving. She'll love it, all that sugary goodness!

I look good in Daddy's hat!!

Its my birthday, I can cry if I want too!!

Hurry up Dad, I'm ready for my bath!!

That's more like it :o)

You should join me, its fun!

I love this little ball. I can pick this out of the basket every time.

Having my first tea party

Being rocked to sleep by Grandma

1 comment:

  1. OMG I can't beleive how big she is getting already.. and it's only been since Christmas. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend and for the party for her B-day Sunday.
