Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Addition......

Ashlyn has a new cousin! Grace Lynn was born last night, Jan 24. I only have info passed through Jered so I hope these stats are correct :)  9lbs 4oz 20 inches! The great thing is that Patsy got here on the 23rd so she was able to be there. Plus Steve will be there today! I remember being excited that everyone came to the hospital and was so happy and excited to meet Ashlyn. Its a really special time. We are planning to either go up there this Sunday, or see them when Kari and family are come down for Easter. Either way we're all super excited to meet Grace and of course check on Mom and Dad too!

It seems like we've been really busy lately, but I'm not sure what we've been doing! Ashlyn is awesome as usual. She's been running all over the place! Trying to get faster and faster at walking. When she gets going too fast though, she falls face first and it doesn't make her too happy. Now that she's walking she's getting knocked over by the dogs more often too. Usually she just gets right back, sometimes she glares at them and cries a little or a lot! She'll occassionally sign to us (this means rarely and usually after we've signed to her a dozen or more times) more, milk, eat, bath. I think she knows what they mean but she's just stubborn and doesn't want to do the sign because when we do it to her she gets very excited and says "yeah, yeah, yeah". We're trying to teach her all the basic signs.

We took her for her first bike ride last weekend. We ordered a bike seat and helmet, safety first! She wasn't too hip on the helmet or the sunglasses I bought her. Once we got the helmet all situated (about half way through) she was much happier to be able to look out from behind Jered.

She's been pretty upset the last few days. She's been pretty constipated, poor thing. Her little belly is all bloated and hard. We've been giving her lots of fruit and water lately but its not working. We've been rubbing her belly, doing bicycles with her legs. Hopefully it works itself out soon, because she's been miserable!

I'll have pictures of our bike ride as soon as I find the camera!  :o)

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