Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post and Pictures....

I know its been a while since I posted. I have excuses....I've been tired! The Olympics about took it out of me. Jered and I stayed up late almost every night watching it. Loved it! We were up till almost midnight many nights in row. I just can't handle that anymore, definently not like college when we did it all the time! Jered's still been working a lot of overtime. Looks great when his paycheck comes but Ashlyn and I really miss him when he's not here. On the nights that he works late I feel like I don't get any chance to even sit down until Ashlyn goes to bed. She wants all of our attention these days!

Jered's dad was here for a couple of weeks and it was great to visit with him. It took a little time for Ashlyn to warm up to him. She's very aware these days of the people she knows and doesn't know. She has a bit of a shy side. After a bit though she warms up and is ready to play.

She is growing so much. I think she's getting taller, although Jered would probably disagree with me. When I visit her sometimes at WeeCare I watch her playing with the other kids and she is so much bigger than most of them. They are all right around her age too. Just within a few months of each other. Though I do think they've moved some kids up to the next class and she's one of the oldest in her class. Still she's a giant next to most of them! She's been doing a little shuffle/walk lately and today when I visited her she actually made some forward motion! I think we can call it walking :o) I can't wait to have her do it for Jered. We tried this weekend to have her walk between but she wasn't really having it.

She has decided the only vegetable she'll on most days is peas. She loves her some peas right now. She completely ignores carrots and green beans which used to be her favorite. She loves fruit and bananas are one of her favorites right now. Grilled cheese is her dinner of choice, she's not a big fan of pasta. She really doesn't like any sort of casserole thing. She doesn't like her hands getting too messy. Though she loves Grandma Glady's cream cheese potato casserole. We went down for dinner a while back and she ate two helpings of it. She also loved the apple bar that she shared with her Daddy. She loves scrambled eggs, bread and any sort of cookie or cracker. She switched over to whole milk with no problems. The gluten thing seems to be going pretty good. We'll do the blood at her 18 month appt.

The weekend after my birthday we went out to dinner and then to a bar to listen to a band with some friends. Jered and I were both really looking forward to it. He asked an old co-worker of his to watch Ashlyn so that we could relax and have a good time. We were the last ones standing and made it past midnight so that was pretty good for us these days. It was nice to be out with adults (even if those adults were pretty boring that night) and we both had a lot of fun. Last weekend we went to a housewarming party for Jered's boss and she was the hit of the party. Of course she didn't want to sleep in the pack-n-play we brought for her until she just wore herself out and couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She likes being where all the action is.

We've been doing a little gardening and Ashlyn loves to be outside with us. Last weekend we went out to the winery that we're members at and she had so much fun watching people. She gets to go for walks with us at work on the nice days and when she doesn't fall asleep she enjoys looking at the cars passing by and any other people out walking. She's so funny these days. She teases and laughs and loves interacting. She's just so darn lovable sometimes I can't take it. I just want to squeeze her and never let go. Of course she pushes me away most times, she's got things to do! She does like to cuddle though when she's tired and I love those times too. She's still loving bathtime. She bathes in the big tub these days and loves to move all over the place. She really likes to stand up, but is quickly learning that its not ok with Mom and Dad. She is starting to understand a lot of the sign language we use with her. When we ask her if she wants to eat, if she wants some milk, or is ready for the bath she gets really excited. Very rarely she'll do the sign for milk but I never know if she's asking for milk or signing bye bye. She is on a one nap a day schedule most days now. She gets to be a little crabbier or clingy in the evenings sometimes but overall she'll still her happy go lucky self.

Birthday photo shoot!! Mama was gonna take me to JCP like she usually does but she was real sick for a while and didn't feel like it. So we did it at home instead :)

Red dress Grammie got me for Christmas. I didn't want to sit still for Mama, rolling around was way more fun!
Don't I look sweet?
Looks can be deceiving...I was way done with the photo shoot!

Oh please tell me she's not going to change my outfit...again! I'd rather go naked!!

This is Mama's gluten free birthday cake her friend Dawn made for her. It was real yummy! She gave me lots of bites.
Outside gardening with Mama and Daddy. They put in new roses.

I got to play in my walker while they dug around in the dirt!

I pretty much LOVE being outside and this was one of the most beautiful days yet.

Picking up the wine, lots of fun!

The back of my birthday that everyone at my party signed for me......

This is the front. Didn't Mama do a great job?

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