Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pictures of Canada.....

5am....and on the road!
Biggest chair we've ever seen!

Our first stop was Hell's Gate in the Fraser River Canyon
We road down in these gondolas, even Grammy!
There's Daddy out in the river fishing.
But this is Mama's salmon!!!
Mama and Daddy before they left for their boat trip
Daddy pulling in the crab pots
Some of their catch
Playing with Grandma Mac
giving kisses!!
That's Grammy and Grandma out on the dock. They went swimming in the lake with Mommy while I was napping in the house.
That's Papa and Grandma Mac's house in the middle and the dock by the lake.
I liked looking through this door when people were on the other side. FUN!!
Hanging with Grandma
Family day on the boat, I loved looking at the water!
Grandpa made sure I didn't fall in
Its really pretty in the channel
Sitting in the hotsprings
Papa Mac jumping into the water
Our last night, Mama and Daddy on the dock
They were watching the sunset
This is me and my cousin Macy
Going down the slide all by myself, weeeee!!!
This is how I found Ashlyn sleeping the other night. She is such a tornado when she sleeps.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Canada and beyond....

Our trip to Canada was a success!! Ashlyn did amazing in the car. She napped well and we stopped every couple of hours to let her run around (and for Mom and I to pee!) It was a LONG drive. We left at 5am on Thursday morning and drove into Steve and Patsy's driveway at 6pm Friday night. We stayed one night in Williams Lake and it was so smokey because of a forest fire in the area. A relatively uneventful drive until Ashlyn had a blowout in the car. There's something about the carseat that makes a holy mess. We stopped in Prince George at a gas station and I jumped out fast because I really had to go so Jered changed her in the backseat. When I came back out to the car he'd used a handful of wipes and was struggling to get her clothes off without getting any poop on her or more on himself. It took both of us to get her clothes off and finish cleaning her up. Ugh!!! It was so gross! I wanted to throw the outfit away but my mom wouldn't let me. She rinsed it in the gas station bathroom, put it in a plastic bag and washed it when we got to Steve and Patsy's.
We fished on the river, we went out on the boat and fished, we went to hotsprings, we swam in the lake, we caught crab and a few fish and ate a lot of seafood. Yumm! I caught the first and only salmon of the trip and boy was he delicious. We ate him that same night for dinner and he might've been the best salmon I've ever eaten! It was so great to see Steve and Patsy and have Ashlyn spend time with her grandparents. She had a really great time too. Two days in a row both Jered and I were gone fishing and she really missed us. Then the third day I stayed home to hang with Mom and Patsy while the guys all went out fishing again. The fourth day we all went out in the boat "family day" for more fishing and we saw whales! and went to another hotsprings and swimming in the ocean. The ocean was so COLD and the hotsprings felt so good! It was a great end to a too short week. Ashlyn loved the boat, she did amazing on the boat! She liked looking out the window when we were going fast and she really had fun at the hotsprings. She checked out every nook and cranny and even helped Jered with his fishing pole. She was so good she even took a nap on the boat!

Before we knew it it was time to turn around and drive back. Another two days driving to get home. We stayed Friday night at our house then were up going again Saturday morning to make it to Monroe for a 40th wedding anniversary for Aunt Jean and Uncle Hugh. 40 years is amazing, I hope Jered and I get there too! Saturday night we went to the Scandinavian Festival with a bunch of my cousins and then I went back again with my mom on Sunday. Ate way too much food but it was all so good! Sunday night was another cousin's wedding. The wedding was so nice, it was at the same place Jered and I got married! I loved seeing it again, such a beautiful place to get married, it brought back all the memories of our wedding and how much fun we had. I wish I could do it all over again!

Monday was Jered's first day at his new JOB!!! Yay! Our checkbook is as excited as we are! He was off for 3 long months. It felt longer to me and him too probably. He did work part time for the last month for a guy out of Beaverton but he just recently got paid for that so it didn't seem like he was working. And not qualifying for unemployment either really put a drain on the ol' savings account. The check was in the mail when we got home from Canada thank goodness! I teased him that the Beaverton job was his dream job, it was anything but! So if you hear us talking about his dream job you'll know its a big joke. He feels good about this new job and is hoping its going to be a positive step in his career. I'll miss my house hubby though, the house was so clean, the laundry always done and the yard was looking fantastic before he went back to work.

This Friday is our 5th anniversary! Yay for us! We don't have too much planned, we both have to work and Jered said he's going to make me dinner :) Lucky me, I usually do the cooking so it'll be nice to have a night off.

I'll try to post pictures of our trip soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Four Day

Well my four day was pretty fantastic! We had a lot of fun. We went to the Oregon Brew Fest on Friday afternoon with some friends. Another friend of ours babysat Ashlyn, which was so nice of her since we called kinda last minute.

Saturday we wanted to go fishing, so we drove up the Wilson River trying to find a nice fishing spot. I forgot the camera so I don't have any pictures but it was an awesome spot. Jered was getting his pole all set up right about the same time the dogs took a flying leap into his fishing hole. We should've known better than to take two water dogs fishing. Needless to say we didn't catch any fish, but the dogs had an awesome time! So did Ashlyn. We splashed around the shallow parts of the river and after being a bit hesitant, she really had a lot of fun.

Sunday we met Mom and Eddie in Rickreall and drove over to Lincoln City. My cousin Kourtney came along too as did half the population of Oregon. It was crowded! and foggy and a little windy. We went down towards Depoe Bay to have lunch and ran into Jered's Aunt Edie and cousin Shelly. After lunch we spent a couple of hours hanging out on the beach. It was still a little foggy and windy but not so cold that it was uncomfortable. We walked around Depoe Bay a little, had some ice cream, got some fudge and taffy, did a little shopping and then headed home. A great day!

On Monday we took Ashlyn to the zoo. We're zoo members so its nice to be able to go for just a couple hours which is about all Ashlyn can handle right now anyway. She really likes the fish and she really liked the orangatan this time too. We stayed till we started to get hungry and Ashlyn was ready for her nap. We got some take-out sushi and went to Washington park for a picnic. Ashlyn napped and we ate our sushi and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a great end to a fabulous weekend.

Then it was back to work, four days in a row. Ugh! By Thursday I wasn't sure if I could do one more day. I did of course. We got a call from some of our very best friends on Wednesday night. They were going to be in Olympia visiting their Aunt this last weekend and wondered if we would drive up and stay the night Friday night. They live in Calgary now and we hadn't seen them in almost three years. A lot of things have changed since the last time we saw them. They have two boys, we have Ashlyn, we're older, smarter (I hope), more responsiblities. But as soon as we're together again its just like old times. Mike said to me "you guys are exactly the same, there's just three of you now". Their Aunt wasn't going to be there until Saturday so we had her big beautiful amazing house all to ourselves. She lives on the peninsula in Olympia right on the water, I already posted a few pictures of the view. We stayed up too late Friday night talking and drinking wine but it was worth the headache the next morning. We spent most of Saturday hanging out, went to the glass museum in Tacoma (a little disappointing but some beautiful pieces), had a seafood lunch and then drove home. Short and sweet but totally worth the trip.

Jered dropped me off at a bacherlorette party for my friend from work. We had a lot of fun! Had a few drinks, ate some appetizers, people watched and danced a lot.

Today I'm just starting to get ready for our trip to Kitimat. We're leaving super early Thurs morning and we're getting really excited. The best news we got this last week though: Jered got a new job...Yay!!! He'll have to commute but its a pretty good oppurtunity and he's pretty excited about it. I hope it'll be a good move for him. There's oppurtunity for growth and a lot of overtime if he wants it. He can be a workaholic so I'm sure he'll take advantage of some of it.

I'll have a long post and pictures of our trip after we get back! Have a great week and wish us luck on our long drive :o)

Pictures are in the previous post....


Here's some pictures from the last couple of weeks. First Grandpa Floyd's birthday party. Then pictures of our trip to the coast, the zoo and to Olympia to see our friends Mike and Carrie:

Playing with Daddy's drum sticks!
I love my Daddy!
Did you know you can swim in the bathtub??? Its a lot of fun!
Riding on Grandpa's shoulders at the coast
With my Mommy and Daddy! We had a lot of fun at the coast even though it was a little windy and kinda foggy.
Laying on the blanket with Mommy
My sisters....aren't they pretty?
I was trying to touch the fish.
Look how tall me and Daddy are....almost 7 feet!!

Its kinda hard to see through the class but this orangutan was laying on the floor of his pen staring up at us.
I thought he was SO cool because he kept looking at me.
We went up to Olympia to see our friends from Calgary and stayed at their Aunt's house on the peninsula. This was the view of the sunset on Friday night.....not too shabby of a place to spend a night with awesome friends, drinking a few bottles of wine, looking at this!

This was the what we woke up to. Beautiful!
I had a lot of fun playing in the yard, running around with my new friends Tate and Owen.
On our way back last night we dropped Mommy at a party with her friends from work. There's Bri, Ally, Denise, Mommy and Jenna.