Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Awesome Weekend....

What a great weekend!!! The weather was awesome. It was 90 degrees today at our house. Having to put up with the long Oregon winter makes me appreciate the great summers we get here. Ashlyn does not enjoy the heat. She gets a little crabby when she gets overheated and she has no problems letting us all know she's unhappy!

This was our first free weekend in a while. We've been super busy lately and it seems like our weekends fill up fast. We had a great sushi lunch downtown on Sat. We sat outside and Ashlyn enjoyed the people watching as much as her parents did. There are definently some interesting characters in Portland!

We were heading to Target after stopping off for some of the BEST gluten free cupcakes ever and Jered's cousin Cole texted asking if we were coming to the BBQ. We were like "what BBQ?" Turns it out it was his Uncles yearly bday bbq down in Silverton. So we changed plans and after getting more stuff for Ashlyn drove to Silverton. One little tiny person requires a ton of stuff. The most ridiculous part is that most of the time we don't even use any of the stuff, we bring it just in case we might need it. :)

We're taking our first family trip this Friday. Which is also Ashlyn's 4 month birthday. I can't believe she's already 4 months old. Time really does fly. We leave for Vegas on Friday for my friend's wedding. We are SOOOOO excited! My friend is bringing her two nannies with her to babysit so we can get out and have some adult time. Plus Noelle's mom and grandma will be there too. I can't wait to get Ashlyn in the pool. She loves her baths and I'm really hoping she'll like the pool too. We have spf 70 sunscreen for her white Irish skin and Noelle's sister is bringing one of those floaties with the umbrella.

We're crossing our fingers she does ok on the plane. Thankfully its a pretty short flight, only a couple of hours. We'll be flying again in Aug to see family in New Mexico and in Sept for another friends wedding in LA. We also have a few camping trips planned in June and July. If Ashlyn doesn't like traveling and being busy, she sure will by the end of the summer!

Sitting with Aunt Jodi

With cousin Cole

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