Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy weekend....

Jered had a great time at Eli's bachelor party. They rented a house and stayed over in Lincoln City. They gambled, golfed and probably had a few beers too. He's tired, lost his voice and has a bruised eye from wrestling. But he's in one piece and didn't call me for bail so I'm giving them a gold star. :)

Ashlyn and I drove down to Monroe Sat morning for a baby shower. It was fun to see my cousins and my aunts. We sat around talking, sharing stories Sat. afternoon about babies, pregnancy and life before it all. I laughed so much my belly hurt! I spent a few hours at my dad's house too and he got his Ashlyn fix. She didn't really nap much on Sat, just on the drive down so she fell asleep in Grandpa's arms and I didn't have my camera with me. I was so bummed!

My mom and Eddie kept Ashlyn Sat night and I got to have a girls night with my cousin Traci and a couple of friends, Lorin and Rachel. It was great to have a glass of wine and talk like we used to. Rach drove out and we had Mexican food and margaritas and more girl talk. When I got back to Mom's she already had Ashlyn in bed and she slept till 5am. I gave her a bottle and we went back to sleep till 9am. BLISS!!!

This morning with my cousin Kourtney.

This morning with Grammy

This afternoon....they're both passed out, so tired from their busy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness we loved it! Glad you both made it thru and keep up the good work. She's getting sooo big I'll have to come and see her soon. Kari ..
