Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm obsessed with Ashlyn's nose. She's had a bit of a stuffy nose since Easter. Some days she's fine and some days its sounds like she can hardly get any oxygen through it. I can't handle it when she's got a crusty nose, so I'm always trying to pick her boogies or at least wipe her nose. This does not make her happy at all! But I can't stop myself, if she's got boogie, I go after it. :)

She had to have another shot today. So many vaccines, but I know we have to do it. She only cried a little bit. Made me feel super guilty! The look on her face is terrible and her cry sounds like she knows she's been tricked. I'm sure this is only going to get worse each time we go as she gets older. Ugh!! She weighed 13.5 lbs and that's in the 75th percentile. At least we know she's not starving! Poor thing got her mom's short legs though. Her 3 month jeans are too tight around her belly but still too long.

We've been catching her sucking her thumb more often. Robyn at Wee Care says she catches her too. I'm afraid this might be a losing battle. We're still swaddling her at night so she gets the soothie then. Who knows what will happen when she starts getting her arms out, we might have a thumb-sucker on our hands!

She's doing great at Wee Care. She takes really long naps most days. Usually about a 3 hour nap in the morning and another 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. She's been sleeping through the night again, thank goodness! We were so tired last week with her waking up at 3am 4 mornings in a row.

Jered's going to Lincoln City tomorrow for Eli's bachelor party so it's just me, Ashlyn and the dogs. We're going down to Monroe Sat for my cousin's baby shower. They're having a boy and naming him Mason. That was on my list for boy's names. So cute!!

Sorry there's no new pictures. Next post!

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