Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 5, 2009

First overnight

We had our first overnight and we had a great time. My mom and Eddie got here a little before noon on Saturday and we headed out with Justin & Steph to a few wineries in Forest Grove area. We managed 4 wineries and a stop at our friend's wine shop all before 5pm. Oh yeah, we're good! Tasted some great and not so great wine. Then on to Grand Lodge where we had way too much to eat for dinner! We took a soak in the soaking pool, then hung out at one of the bars before going to bed. I think we made it back to our room about 1:30 am, yep AM! After a full day of drinking fun you would've thought we would sleep in but we were up and having breakfast by 8:30am. Then we hurried home to see Ashlyn because we missed her SO much! I only called my mom once Sat night to check on her, but by this morning I was ready to see her and squeeze her and kiss her!!!

At the wineries

Smiling at Mama

Tummy time

Hangin' with Daddy

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