Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Recovering from our week....

We had a very quiet weekend. By the time Friday rolled around, I was so tired! Ashlyn and I came right home, changed into our pj's and vegged out on the couch. Jered was in Seattle taking his Washington lisence so it was just me and Ashlyn. We cuddled on the couch and I just held her. I missed her so much this week I just needed to hold her. Its crazy how much we love her. This tiny little needy, impatient, loud, beautiful, funny, amusing, fun, greedy, frustrating, rewarding baby girl has completely changed our lives. I can't even imagine life without her. Everyone says your life will never be the same, and they are right but its in the best way.

Saturday and Sunday we just bummed around the house. We were supposed to go to a baby shower Saturday for one of Jered's co-workers but Ashlyn kept throwing up. She threw up about 4 times after her bottle and we thought that maybe we should take her in to the doctor. We calmed down and realized she was probably just over-eating so we cut her bottles back a little and she's been fine ever since. She was back to sleeping through the night too. I'm hoping when we go back to work tomorrow she'll be a little more used to Wee Care and won't sleep all day. When she sleeps all day at day care she doesn't want to sleep at night. Which is why we were so tired this weekend, trying to catch up on some of our sleep. Well its time for Ashlyn's bath......

Daddy being silly!

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