Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

Ashlyn in her first pair of jeans and the shirt Daddy bought her.

Just a cute one of Ashlyn I couldn't resist adding to the blog.

We had a busy weekend! We drove down to my mom's on Friday afternoon and had dinner at my brother's house. After dinner Grammie stayed with the three girls so we could go down to the Long Branch and have a drink with our cousin's Traci, Steve and his fiance Krissy. It was nice to have a little adult time, even at the Branch!

Saturday was the surprise party for my Uncle David's 70th birthday and I do think he was pretty surprised. My Uncle Rick flew up from New Mexico to surprise him too. Saturday night my mom and I went up to visit with all my aunts and uncles at Aunt Sharon and Uncle Jerry's. My family loves to talk and we were there till after 11pm, I was forcing mom out the door!
Sunday was Easter and we all got together again for food and more talking and lots of pictures. The only thing besides talking this family loves more is taking pictures and there was lots of those too.
Ashlyn handled begin passed around from relative to relative for two days relatively well. She's pretty tired tonight though so its bath, bottle and bed time for her. All in all it was a great weekend.
These are my Aunts and Uncles from left to right is Uncle Rick, Uncle Bob, Uncle Gary, Uncle David, Uncle Jerry, my mom, Aunt Jean, Aunt Judy and Aunt Gwenda!
These are most of my second and third cousins, I'm sure there are a few missing. That's my cousin Ashley holding Ashlyn.

Bailey, Macy and Ashlyn in the Easter dresses Grammie and Grampa bought them. Ashlyn was not too happy having to wear that hat, but it looked so darned cute on her.

This is me with my cousin Heidi. Her new daughter Alice is just about 6 weeks younger than Ashlyn. I can hardly believe how big Ashlyn has gotten but seeing her next to Alice really made it obvious. And to think just a few weeks ago Ashlyn was that small too :)

A picture with Grammie, she always closes her eyes!

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