Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 23, 2009

3 months

Well I'm back to work! Monday was really difficult, I shed more than a few tears. I cried on the way too work, I cried when I got there, I cried when I had to leave her. I went to see her at lunch and I cried when I had to leave her again. Then I cried again when I picked her up to go home. It was just really hard to not be with her. I know she's in good hands, they're really great at Wee Care. It was just hard. Tuesday was a little easier, I only shed a few tears when I left her in the morning and today no tears at all! I'm glad to be back at work though. Its been great catching up with everyone, hearing all the gossip and everything that happened while I was gone. Today is my day off so I've slept in and now I'm going to spend the whole day with Ashlyn.

They tell me that Ashlyn has done really well adapting to her new environment. It's just mom that's having a hard time. She's napping well, taking her bottles well and loving all the toys they have. She's been sleeping a lot but they tell me that's normal. She's being over-stimulated and just shuts down by sleeping so she can recharge. Once she gets more used to all the noise and other babies she should interact more. She's still sleeping well at home, although the last two nights she woke up an hour earlier than usual at 4am instead of 5am. There was no getting her to go back to sleep, poking the soothie back in her mouth was not working. They tell me this is normal too and once she's adjusted she should get back to "normal".

Jered and I started the 30 Day Shred program on Sunday night. Its a 30 minute workout for 30 days in row and its kicking our butts. Its really hard, lots of pushups, jumping jacks, lunges, crunches. But it feels really good to be working out again and we're helping each other stay on track. We have a wedding in Vegas Memorial weekend so we gotta try to get in a little bit of shape before then.

Yesterday was Ashlyn's 3 month birthday. 3 months ago Jered and I spent a sleepness night in the hospital staring at our new daughter. We were amazed by her! Amazed that she was ours, amazed that she was finally here, amazed that this little tiny human came out of MY (huge) belly. Now 3 months later she "talks" to us, smiles at us, recognizes our voices, our faces. We've learned her different cries. We know when she's hungry, sleepy, needs a new diaper, wants attention or just to be left alone. She's sleeping about 8 hours at night, which has been awesome for Jered and I.

She likes sitting in her bouncy chair, but only for about 10 min because that's about when she realizes you're doing something else and not paying attention to her. She loves music, the swing, and the ceiling fan. She loves looking at the ladybugs on the wallpaper border in her room when I'm changing her diaper. She'll lay in her crib smiling and talking to her ladybug mobile. She knows her nighttime routine and by 83o she starts to get a little crabby if we dont get started on her bath. She absolutely LOVES her bath! She hates to be hot and gets real crabby if she is. She only likes her soothies we got home from the hospital and if we try to give her any other kind of pacifer she just pops it right back out. She's recently found her hand and has started to suck on it. I'm afraid soon she'll find the thumb and then we'll never get it away from her. We try to only give the soothie when she's napping or at night. We can take the soothie away, we can't take her thumb away!

First day of work and wee care.

It was red day at wee care.

It was really hot this week and she didn't want any clothes on. She was a much calmer kid when we stripped down to her diaper.

Playing and watching mama and daddy do their shred workout.

Today in her bouncer. She can't get enough of that zebra. Today was green day at wee care so we're participating from home.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your adventures with our grandbaby. Glad life is going smoothly and your both doing a great job and we are proud of you.
    Mom/Dad McG
