Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going back to work tomorrow!

We had a great weekend! The weather was so beautiful it makes all those snow and rain days worth it. We took the dogs and Ashlyn and drove over to the coast on Friday. It was pretty foggy but we had fun. We bundled Ashlyn up in two coats, a hat and wrapped a blanket around her legs before putting her in the Bjorn. The dogs thought they'd died and gone to heaven I'm sure. There was so much sand in their noses after chasing the ball but they didn't seem to mind at all. Saturday was spent at Jered's grandparents house tearing down a wisteria bush that had taken over the barn. It had grown through the roof and covered one entire wall of the barn, crazy. Ashlyn wasn't feeling her best yesterday so she was a bit crabby. She's had a stuffy nose the past few days but seems to be feeling better today. Today we did some yard work of our own and then went for a drive, stopping at a couple of wineries. Tomorrow is work. Work, work, work. Its going to take a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks to get back into my usual routine. I'll be visiting Ashlyn on my lunch breaks so that will be a nice break in my day. They are doing colors this week at daycare and tomorrow is red day so since its nice I've picked out a cute red dress for her to wear. We'll take a picture if we're not rushing of her first day of "school".

So Jered and I did our first workout tonight of the 30 day shred. Its by that lady from the biggest loser. Totally kicked our butts! Its all old school stuff: pushups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks. Seriously kicked our butts, I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow! Anyway you're supposed to do it for 30 days straight. Its only 20 minutes but you don't get any breaks. There are three levels and needless to say we're at level one and I know I'll be a level one for a while! Gotta get back into shape, as soon as I stopped breastfeeding I gained back like 7 or 8 lbs. Sucks! I didn't have any trouble losing weight after Ashlyn, it just disappeared. I was about 10 lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight in about 2 weeks. It had to be the breastfeeding and its just another reason why I'm disappointed Ashlyn refused to breastfeed. Another reason is the gluten-free cupcakes I can no longer eat. The best gf cupcakes are at New Cascadia on 21st and Glisan downtown, just in case anyone wants to try 'em!

The girls sunning themselves at grandma and granpa's house.

Taking a walk on Cannon Beach..

Our family!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kids, so glad you survived the first week of back to work. We've been thinking of you and hoping your transition would be easier... Kari was gone from Tues to Friday I was glad to see her come back...We're working hard...for maybe so little. Went to church and prayed for us all... Love you lots Mom
