Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My last week

This is my last week of maternity leave. I have to go back to work on Monday. I'm a little excited to go back and get back to my normal schedule but its going to be so hard to drop Ashlyn off at Wee Care Monday morning. These last few days I haven't wanted to be away from her for too long. I'm stocking up on Ashlyn time. It'll be good for both of us though. She'll be around other kids and I won't lose my mind staying at home. In ideal world though I'd work part time, maybe three days a week. Unfortunately neither Jered or I have ever been able to find that silver spoon we're missing!

Jered has been off this week as well (work is slow) so we've been hanging out. Its nice to have him home with us. Monday was his 30th birthday, and the only day he actually had to work. He worked in the morning then we to lunch at CPK and came home and he made us margaritas. We visited Wee Care on Tues and today we dropped all of her stuff off so she's ready to go on Monday. Just diapers, wipes, extra outfits and a couple of blankets. Today was a beautiful day so this afternoon Jered made us more margs and we sat out on the deck with Ashlyn. Wonderful life!

Here's a few pictures.....

Today at Fire on the Mountain (best chicken wings) looking too cool for school in her sunglasses.

Talking on the phone last night.

Last nights bath, she loves her baths.

Me and Ashlyn yesterday morning.

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