Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Been a while.....

I know its been a while since I've written or posted any new pics. We have been so busy! We went to Vegas Memorial weekend for our friend Noelle's wedding. It was awesome! We all had a great time. Ashlyn did great on the airplane, thank goodness. Both Jered and I were worried, you never want to be there parents with the screaming baby on the plane. She slept all the way to Vegas and most of the way home on the return flight. She started to get all congested on Monday before we left to come home so she was a little cranky on the plane home but not bad. Poor thing is still all stuffy. Ashlyn got in the pool in her little floaty and I think she liked it ok. The second day the water was a little colder and she wasn't too excited by that but she still managed. It was so hot! It was 102 degrees on Sunday and we spent all day at the pool. Noelle and Mark had rented a cabana otherwise we wouldn't have been able to stand it for more than a few minutes. Ashlyn slept in her stoller in the cabana and played in the pool most of the day.

I've been working on my day off the last couple of weeks so that I could take off to go to Vegas. I don't have any PTO (vacation days) left after my maternity leave. So I'm in stockpile mode again, trying not to use any hours unless I totally have to. I've got to have enough for our trip to Grand Canyon and New Mexico in Aug.

Ashlyn had another doctor appointment this week. She weighs 14 lbs 9 oz so she's almost doubled her birth weight. She was 25 inches long, growing 5-1/4 inches since she was born. She's in the 75% for weight and 60% for height. All very normal and the pediatrician is very happy with her. She's been "talking" to us more, really kicking her legs and trying to roll over. She spends lots of time on her belly too, strengthing her tummy and neck muscles. She's slobbering constantly, we think she might be popping a tooth soon. Nothing yet, just a lot of drool. She likes to sit up with help but falls over eventually. She's grabbing at everything, likes to help hold the bottle and put everything in her mouth, including her thumb/fist. She's learning and growing so fast. Where did our fragile little baby go we brought home just yesterday??

This week we had dinner at Glady and Floyd's in Woodburn. Ashlyn got to see her both her grandparents and her great-grandparents. She had a bath in a big plastic tub and she loved it!She was spashing and kicking and having so much fun, Grandma let us take it home. We've been using a sling that goes in the sink but this big tub is so much more fun for her. Plus we probably use less water this way. With the sling we were constantly running the water over her and with the tub we just fill it about half way and set her in there.

Grammy spent the night on Friday and spent lots of time with her on Saturday morning while Jered and I were getting ready for the potluck. She loves to be held and she got tons of that between having Grammy here and dinner in Woodburn on Thursday with her other grandparents. Grammy got a new puppy while she was here too. Her name is Daisy and she's really cute. Another black lab! We're a family that loves labs! The people that were selling this puppy had a new baby and it was just too much for them. She's 6 months old and already used to being around kids which is great.

Yesterday was a potluck for our student at work. She's graduating in a couple of weeks. After that we went to Edgefield to meet up with a few people and have a few beers. Jered got to golf which made him happy. He hasn't gotten to golf much this spring, we're just so much busier now with Ashlyn. I've been trying to clean the house today in between her feedings, naps, and just wanting our attention. It'll all get done someday! Even if we have a messy house, at least we have a happy baby!!

Enjoy the pics.......

With Uncle Eli at Edgefield yesterday afternoon. He thinks I'm getting big already!

With Kendra, a co-workers daughter. She carried me around all day yeterday! I love it, I love to be held.

With my new friend Anehla. She's only three weeks younger than me.

Photo-shoot before we left the house. Grammy bought me this outfit for Easter, it fits much better now.

With Great-grandma Glady at their house for dinner this week.

With Grandma

With my Grandpa

With my new friends from the wedding in Vegas. Devlinn (3 months), Olivia (10 months), and me (4 months).

Photo-shoot before the wedding. This is my wedding dress, isn't it pretty? I didn't really feel like sitting up, but mama kept making me.

Playing in Livi's activity chair in Vegas.

In my floaty that Devlinn's mom bought me. I didn't like the pool as much this day, it was too cold. But mama kept slathering me with sunscreen and taking me in anyway.

Here I am napping in the cabana. My grammy bought me this swimsuit and it fit great except the straps are too long. Hopefully my daddy will fix them for me.

At the airport. I did great on the airplane. I slept the whole way to Vegas, so I was real happy when we finally got there. Mama and daddy were real happy that I didn't scream on the airplane too.

Here I am hanging out with mama and her co-workers on lunch break. Mama isn't too excited that I like to suck my thumb, but I keep doing it anyway!

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