Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, October 9, 2009

An eventful week.....

Jered usually gives Ashlyn her baths at night. Its good one on one time for them. He still uses the tub that Grandma Glady gave us and this night it was a good thing. I was watching a movie on the computer in the living room and Jered was in the bathroom giving Ashlyn her bath. He started yelling for me so I ran in there and Ashlyn was sitting in the tub of water full of poop. She had pooped in the tub. Ugh, it was so gross! I picked her up under her arms and dangeled her over the tub so Jered could rinse her off. We scrubbed her up again before putting her jammies on. Nasty!!!! After that I sprayed the whole tub down and Jered did the little tub. It was more gross than I can even say!

Ashlyn is a crawling genius these days. She gets where she wants to go now. Yesterday when I went in to pick her up for lunch from Wee Care she was standing at the side of this foam climby thing they have for the kids. She was looking around like she didn't quite know how she had gotten there. As soon as she saw me she started crying. She had pulled herself up and didn't know how to get back down. My little baby is growing up.

She's sick again. She started to get all stuffy Sunday night. She was pretty crabby Mon and Tues. Crabbier than normal so I took her to the doctor Wed just to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. No ear infection! Yay!! But now I'm sick too, which totally sucks. We had been planning to go out with our friend tonight to a wine shop and her daughter was going to babysit for us. I'm super bummed cause there's no way I could even taste any wine tonight.

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