Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkins and Pink Eye....

Ashlyn had been feeling better but yesterday I noticed that her left eye was all watery and after her nap it was all goobery. Well this morning the left eye was glued shut was all those goobers and the right one was pretty goobery as well. Wee care of course freaks out about these types of things so I had to take her to the doctor to see if it was pink eye. I love my doctor! They almost always can get us in same day. She does have a very minor case of pink eye and incidentally a minor ear infection. We got drops for the eyes and numbing drops for her ears. The doctor says the ear infection is very mild and should clear up on its on in 4-5 days. We see her in a week for Ashlyn's 9 month appointment and if its not better by then we'll get antibiotics. I'd rather not give her antibiotics if its really not necessary. As for the eyes we got kicked out of Wee Care until Friday. We have to give drops for 24 hours before they'll take her back. So get a little mini vacation. I'm off half day today and all of tomorrow. Luckily I worked an extra shift Monday night so I'll only have to use a few hours of PTO for tomorrow. Un-lucky, I won't get overtime for working the extra shift. Oh well I guess the savings account won't be getting any deposits any time soon.

A couple of pictures from the pumpkin patch:
Self portrait, not too bad, better if Ashlyn were looking at the camera.

Eating peas and carrots :) she's got a cheek full!

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