Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Feeling better....

Both Ashlyn and I are feeling a lot better this week. Ashlyn still has a little cough but overall is much better. She's crawling all over the place now. She likes to pull herself up. We caught her standing in the crib last weekend so Jered lowered the mattress. Now if she stands at the side, she can barely see over. She loves chasing after the dogs. They're pretty good with her. They just lay there when she's grabbing at them and climbing on them. The only thing they don't like is when she tries to grab their feet. She's eating like a champ. She's very observant though. She has to check everything out. If I give her green beans or carrots or whatever she likes to look at it first from all angles. She smells it, tastes it, looks at it again and then will start chewing. She's like that in other things though too. She needs to observe her surroundings before she feels comfortable enough to play.

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday afternoon. Picked pumpkins for all three of us, rode the hay ride, went in the animal barn and ate carmel apples. Lots of fun! We're invited to a pumpkin carving party next Sat so we'll get to carve them up then.

Here's a few pictures. We went down to Glady and Floyd's on Tues for dinner with Steve and Patsy. They're getting ready to take off for Canada again. They'll be gone most of the winter and maybe the spring too. It was good to see them again and I know they had fun playing with Ashlyn.

She's found the dog bowls. She thinks this is the coolest thing.

With Grandpa Steve

Playing pat-a-cake with my Grandma Patsy

I love my Daddy!

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