Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Growing, growing, growing....

Ashlyn is growing like a weed! She graduated to the next class recently. She is no longer a Ladybug, she's a Dragonfly now! :) She is trying really hard to crawl. She's still rolling all over the place. She can go from a sitting position onto all fours. She rocks back and forth and you can tell she really wants to take off but just can't figure it out. She does this hop thing to go forward and sometimes just belly flops until she reaches what she wants. Usually its the computer, computer cords, remote, anything that either Jered or I have. Jered said she did manage a couple of crawls yesterday morning but I missed it.

Yesterday was Kari and John's wedding and it was beautiful. Everything was perfect. The weather held off, it didn't rain and it really wasn't even that cold. Ashlyn looked like a little princess in her dress Grammy got her. I'm going to have her pictures done in the dress. She managed to stay in the wagon Tyler was pulling her in down the aisle. She only fell over a couple of times. Five minutes into the ceremony she was asleep. Thank goodness!! I had wanted her to take a nap before the wedding but she wasn't having any of it! She slept for a couple of hours and then partied until almost 11pm. She takes after her daddy, she's a party animal!

Last night was the last wedding Jered and I were invited to this year (so far). The next wedding is my cousin's in March. We're both looking forward to having our weekends back. We had a great but busy summer. We didn't camp as much as we would've liked but the three times we did we had a blast. We had a great time on our trip this summer with my mom and Eddie. Grand Canyon is amazingly beautiful. Sometime in my life I'd love to do one of those mule trips down to the bottom and maybe even raft the Colorado. We visited with a lot of family this summer too. Our trip to New Mexico was so much fun! Jere and my cousin Ricky get along so well. Ricky is hilarious, its hard not to have fun with him. His wife Stef is a sweatheart too. My cousin and her girls came from Wisconsin, my other cousin came up from Florida, there were plenty of excuses for bbq's and get togethers! There were six (I think) new babies born this year and I think we still have two or three on the way that will be born in 09. Needless to say the Ballards are still working on taking over the world :)

This is me with my Aunt Sam and Uncle Eli at the Melting Pot the other night.

Here I am with Uncle Justin

With Mama and Daddy at Aunt Kari and Uncle John's wedding.

Here I am with my Uncle Keith

All of the bridesmaids and the beautiful bride holding up the groom :)


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