Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Vacation, not really...

Well my forced vacation day wasn't really a vacation. I cleaned house and did laundry all day. Fun....yeah right! I did manage to watch a few episodes of Oprah from the DVR. DVR has got to be one of the greatest inventions ever! We'd never watch TV anymore if we didn't have it. We rarely watch a show at its regular time and when we do I'm always trying to fast forward through the commercials. The $35 (yep even with insurance, fantastic!) eye drops we had to get for Ashlyn work like magic! Her eyes looked better that very night. As you can imagine putting the drops in is a piece of cake. I'm sure every 9 month old loves to have their eyes pried open and liquid dropped into them. Yeah she doesn't fuss or push us away or anything. She's a little angel of course! Poor little muffin still has a cough but overall feels pretty good. We do an inhaler twice a day for the chesty cough and it helps but its really hanging on this time. She's received two seasonal flu shots so far. I hate it that they insist on giving the same one twice, but our pediatrician insisted it was necessary. Next week we go for her 9 month appt and she'll get the H1N1 shot. They're already running low on that one so thank goodness she only has to have one of those.

A few pictures.....

I like my friend Sinder! She lets me climb on her, pull her tail, her ears and then pays me back by licking my face.

See Sinder likes me too :)

Daddy went in the pool with me at my class today. We had a lot of fun!

Aren't we cute???? Mama thinks so, she says I'm cutest, don't tell Daddy!

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